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Which age group is the solution targeted at?

The preschool solution is meant for children belonging to the 2 years to 6 years age group. We have broken up the solution offerings such that the investments can be staggered. The first offering is for the age group of children between 2 years to 4 years. The second offering is for children between the age group of 4 years to 6 years.

If I want to set up a preschool, how can Kreedo help me?

Kreedo provides a complete preschool solution that enables you to set up a premium, world class preschool. The focus of the solution is in two areas: 

Setting up the preschool

  • Kreedo helps you right from the time you name your school, to your logo design, designing your pamphlets, brochures, sign boards, ad banners etc. Kreedo will help you build your own brand.
  • Kreedo will also provide a marketing manual detailing how to successfully market your school (Depending on the offering chosen).
  • Kreedo will train you to talk to parents so that you can clearly talk about how your school will help their children in various aspects of their education.
  • Kreedo will provide you with all the templates necessary for you to run the school including parent enquiry form, admission forms, receipts, fee structure, calendar, parent hand outs and more.
  • Kreedo will provide you with inputs on how to setup your school in terms of the layout of materials, effective use of outdoor area, painting and more.

Running a preschool

  • Kreedo provides a Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum that imbibes the best practices from several established education methodologies. We have identified various intelligences / skills that could be either interest based or need based as the case may be and have identified methodologies, techniques and materials that would develop and enable those skills in the child. The curriculum objectives themselves are a lot more advanced compared to those offered by others and the curriculum provides a stress free way to achieve them for every child.
  • Solution includes high quality Educational Materials to support the curriculum.
  • Furniture to create a high class environment.
  • A multimedia based teacher training software that includes videos on how to present the materials to the child. Continuous training & monitoring throughout the year through video conferencing, skype calls and one-to-one teleconferencing. 5-day intensive training workshops for all our customers at our model preschool in Bangalore which is also our academic headquarters.
  • A child evaluation software that enables the teacher to create an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for every child and track the development of the child in the environment by effectively observing and recording information about the child’s activities on a day-to-day basis.

Why do we need a curriculum for preschool?

It has been identified that the early years from 2-6 are one of the most important time for brain development and learning in a child. It has been proven by experts world over repeatedly that the capacity for a child to absorb concepts and learning is the highest during these years. So, it is very necessary to identify areas of development that need to be focused on during these years of the child’s development and ensure that the same is imparted in an effective manner to the child. Blackboard learning and learning by rote does not work nowadays. The child learns through experience and repeatedly performing activities that interest him / her. For the 1st to 12th grades in schools, a curriculum is defined by whether the school follows ICSE, CBSE or State boards based on what the school has adopted. But, no such standards have been defined in the preschool segment. Hence, it is extremely important that a clear cut curriculum is defined and enabled by materials which can be used to develop a variety of skill sets, interests and intelligences in the child. 

How was the curriculum developed?

When the curriculum was originally developed, extensive research was done to ensure that we are doing the right thing for the overall development of the child. Inputs were taken from the following sources:

  • Several early childhood educationists
  • Various books related to the cognitive as well as overall development of the child
  • Special educators
  • Montessorians
  • Preschool owners
  • Teachers who work with the children

We took 2 years to do research in several areas and combined this with our experience with preschools for 20 years and developed this curriculum. The curriculum places a lot of emphasis on the overall development of the child, keeping in mind the competitive world we live in today and the expectations of parents from preschools, and finally helping the child adapt to this environment. We opened our self owned model preschool in Bangalore in 2013 to continue our research and experiments on early childhood methodologies and refine our curriculum. All our experiences of working with children are fed back into improving our curriculum. This is an ongoing exercise where we keep working on finding new ways of contributing to the overall development of the child.

How are we different from a franchisee?

Kreedo is a solution provider. We are giving you all the tools you need to run a preschool and for this, we charge a fixed one-time charge. There are no royalties. We encourage the customers to build their own preschool brand and we believe that with the tools and expertise we provide, the customer can run a best-in-class preschool. Given our attractive solution offerings, the investments to start a preschool are quite low and hence the return on investments is much faster.  Also, the curriculum solution being provided ensures that the customer does not have to be dependent on Kreedo for ongoing support. This we do through teacher training videos, knowledge base support and other such mechanisms. The curriculum itself is revolutionary, incorporating methodologies from the best in class theories and practices in the world today (including Montessori, Multiple Intelligence and so on) – and if implemented in the right fashion, it

Can I take a basic offering and upgrade to the next?

Yes, the investments can be staggered where the customer can adopt a basic offering to start with and gradually upgrade the curriculum over a period of time.

What is the Return on Investment? When can I break even?

Kreedo is not a franchisor and hence we do not commit to any return on investment as is the market norm. What we can assure you is that since the set up costs are low, the school would break even a lot faster and the return on investments would be considerably high. Also, since it is not a royalty based model, there are no recurring costs from a curriculum perspective which again increases the Return on Investment. 

Does this model work in a non-Metro area?

The solution was developed with focus on semi-urban areas, tier 2 and tier 3 cities. All these places usually have a high demand for quality education. The parents are less likely to be carried away by fancy brand names, and more likely to attach importance to quality education.
The low set up cost ensures that you can provide state-of-the-art preschool education in an effective manner to children in the non-metro areas at an affordable price. Also, the “Wow” factor for such a premium curriculum would be a lot higher in the non-metro areas which would attract the parents a lot more easily.

Can we choose selected materials from the offering?

The offering cannot be broken up piece meal as there are a lot of inter-dependencies that ensure the effectiveness of the offering. Removing even a single cog from the wheel would result in a dip in the overall effectiveness of the offering and its benefits to the school. But, we do provide offering options which allow you to gradually upgrade your curriculum.

If I am running a preschool, how can Kreedo help me?

As mentioned above, Kreedo has developed a revolutionary preschool solution that can take your existing preschool to the next level in terms of the type of education imparted to the child, feedback to parents on the strengths / interests of the child and also ensuring that there is a structured path for every child to develop skills and interests. Hence, adopting the Kreedo curriculum would help you get better return on your investments as well as providing the best for the child in your preschool. 

How do I start a preschool in my own name? Do I need to start as a preschool franchise or a playschool franchise?

When you start with a preschool franchise or a playschool franchise or a kindergarten franchise, you are actually building the franchisors brand rather than your own. When you start a preschool / playschool / Montessori with Kreedo, we help you build your own brand. Your school will not be called “Kreedo”, but will have a brand name of your choice and will be “Powered by Kreedo”. Kreedo supports you a lot more than what a playschool or preschool or Montessori franchise provider does as we are helping you build your own brand. Also, partnering with Kreedo, you get the dual benefit of building your own brand as well as get the assured backing of a brand like Kreedo which is present in 350+ towns, and cities across India.

Kreedo will remain your backend academic partner ensuring the success of your enterprise. With over 30 years of experience in the early education space, we know all about what makes a preschool / school a success.

How do I start a day care / start a creche? Does Kreedo help in setting up a day care / setting up a creche?

Most places that run day care centers run a preschool during the day. Day care centers typically continue after the preschool hours so that children can be taken care of until their parents / guardians can pick them. Though there are no curriculum prescriptions for day care centers, Kreedo will provide you with guidelines on what needs to be done within a day care center – which mostly centers around safety, nutrition, rest and activities to keep children engaged.

What are the regulations with respect to setting up a preschool / playschool / Montessori?

Education being a state subject, every state in India has its own regulations with respect to registration of preschools. Some states have mandatory registration of preschools with the local education office, whereas others have no registration requirements. The guidelines vary from state to state and are also subject to change based on notifications from the state government. It is always best to check with your local block education office (BEO) in your area to know the latest regulations with respect to preschool registration in your state.

Which grades and age groups does Kreedo cater to? Which are the areas of development that Kreedo focuses on?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2, typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. In the New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, this covers the first five years of education, which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy.

Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills, Cognitive Skills, as well as helping improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books, which is again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through a “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Is Kreedo aligned with NEP and NCF? Which school board does Kreedo follow?

Kreedo is completely aligned with all aspects of NEP and NCF and a school that implements Kreedo will be compliant to the policy guidelines to a large extent. Kreedo’s solution is mapped for children between the ages of 3-8 years, which covers the Foundational stage of the New Education Policy (NEP). In the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) for the foundational stage released in October 2022 by Government of India, there is a significant emphasis on play based and activity based learning as the basis for all learning in early years and this is the core of Kreedo’s learning philosophy through our Kreedo Lab activities.

Our books are also designed keeping in mind all the foundational literacy and numeracy learning requirements. So, when a child goes to higher classes, their foundation is strong and they will easily adapt to any curriculum, as what they already know will definitely be higher than what is offered in any board.

With respect to alignment to a particular school board, as mentioned above, Kreedo’s curriculum more than meets the objectives set by any board guidelines currently in India and any child going through the curriculum will find it easy to adapt to any of the board stipulations.

What will be the investment to start a preschool? What ROI can I expect from opening a preschool?

Kreedo’s charges for setting up a preschool include a one-time set up cost for the Kreedo Lab, which will take care of all your learning infrastructure in your school (like learning toys, furniture, wall displays, etc.) and a per child implementation cost that includes books, teacher and owner training, access to the Kreedo 6T curriculum app and all our exhaustive support services. Kreedo does not charge any franchise fee, brand fee, retention fee, or royalty fee.
Kreedo provides one of the best return on investment (ROI) in the market where with just 25-30 children, schools can achieve operational breakeven and with 35-40 children, the school even recuperates their initial investment. Please reach out to us to know more about the various package options Kreedo has as well as understand the ROI model once you tie up with Kreedo.

Which grades and age groups does Kreedo cater to? Which are the areas of development that Kreedo focuses on?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Is Kreedo a franchise solution? Do we have to pay Royalties? How does Kreedo charge?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Which grades and age groups does Kreedo cater to? Which are the areas of development that Kreedo focuses on?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Which grades and age groups does Kreedo cater to? Which are the areas of development that Kreedo focuses on?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Is Kreedo a franchise solution? Do we have to pay Royalties? How does Kreedo charge?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well

Which grades and age groups does Kreedo cater to? Which are the areas of development that Kreedo focuses on?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Is Kreedo a franchise solution? Do we have to pay Royalties? How does Kreedo charge?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Which grades and age groups does Kreedo cater to? Which are the areas of development that Kreedo focuses on?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Which grades and age groups does Kreedo cater to? Which are the areas of development that Kreedo focuses on?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Is Kreedo a franchise solution? Do we have to pay Royalties? How does Kreedo charge?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well

Which grades and age groups does Kreedo cater to? Which are the areas of development that Kreedo focuses on?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Is Kreedo a franchise solution? Do we have to pay Royalties? How does Kreedo charge?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Which grades and age groups does Kreedo cater to? Which are the areas of development that Kreedo focuses on?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Which grades and age groups does Kreedo cater to? Which are the areas of development that Kreedo focuses on?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well as helps improve the socio-emotional quotient in children. All these areas of development always begin with play or activities first in the curriculum through our Kreedo lab. The child is then taken to abstraction through our Kreedo books which are again mapped to the practical activities the child does in the lab. We believe the best route to enable learning in children is through the “Concrete to Abstract” or “Practical to Theory” approach.

Is Kreedo a franchise solution? Do we have to pay Royalties? How does Kreedo charge?

Kreedo’s solution currently caters to Playgroup, Nursery (PreKg), Lower Kindergarten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten (UKG), Class 1 and Class 2 typically for the age group of children between the ages of 2 to 8 years. Inthe New Education Policy (NEP) announced by the Government of India in 2020, covers the first five years of education which is also described as the Foundational Stage in the policy. Kreedo focuses on literacy skills (Language), numeracy skills (Maths), Themes (EVS), Sensorial Skills and Cognitive Skills as well

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